The End is Nigh

It’s interesting to see so much of what is important ignored or even actively hidden. Trump has the ‘Rona. Biden has dementia. Ye has no shot, blah, blah, blah. The biggest problem facing this country that will take it from super-power status to one of many will be the buzzsaw of debt we’ve let the horribly incompetent popularity contest winners to run up. The D’s and R’s have coalesced. If Trump wins, money machine goes brrr. If Harris wins, money machine goes brrr. How does a country pay back $30,000,000,000,000?

It doesn’t.

If you look at the chart below, debt has been increasing over time. WWII increased debt because, war.  Makes sense. It’s hard to ignore the parabolic nature of the debt shortly after one of the R’s took us off the gold standard. Is this the only cause, of course not. Does there seem to be a strong coloration? Sure does.

I have no suggestions or ideas behind this other than trust yourself and your own work and raise your own awareness. The dummies are all on the same team which happens to not be the team we are all on as US citizens.

I’ve said before that Gen X, my generation, and ones coming directly after will be carrying a specific and unique responsibility. Gen X has adjusted between many fundamental shifts. Newspapers to the Internet. Rotary phones to iPhones. Grunge to whatever music is being played now. Our last negation will be one of resetting monetary policy from the unmitigated hellscape that is what we have now to whatever it will become.

There is only one person on some of the ballots that can save us from this mess.

#YE2020 . Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.  I’m not even kidding anymore.

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