November 3, 2020

Big day in the country to many, and that shouldn’t be minimized. In fact, now is a pretty good time to write about why putting hope, trust, and faith in things of this world rarely results in satisfaction even in the short term. As for the long term, eventually the actuary table of political efficacy for even the best and most well-intentioned politician fades to zero. The biggest problem my country now has from a political standpoint is that the idea of free and fair elections has been destroyed, but you already knew that. Elections in the United States of America now mean boarded up stores, violent voter intimidation, and legal battles to let lawyers and the courts decide elections.


Intimidation 1 // Intimidation 2


Sometimes Canada seems nice.

Take a quick glance in your mind’s eye at the world. Lots of countries and lots of organizational structures. Now think, at least in theory, of the ones where there are no free and fair elections. Violence, bloodshed and loss of life accompany transitions of power, and institutions rather than the people install figureheads (be they courts of military). Make no mistake, this is where we are in the US now and no D or R will change that.

We all know the arguments, and this list could be far longer.  

  • Claim- Person X on the other side is bad and evil and will destroy the country, therefore destroy things and/or the system.

Result- The powerful are happy with this as it seeds polarization and tears down power structures that prevent them from taking more power.

  • Claim- Don’t concede the election to Person X on the other side under any circumstances, therefore start litigation.

Result- See the first one.

The result and the people seeking it are always the same.

NOT TO WORRY! There is good news! If your hope is in this world I really think the US has a few more solid generations left in it even after we take a couple steps back from our Top Dog status (Think EU). Sure, we’ll have to continue to give up some rights here and there. It won’t be terribly painful if we just go along with it. The name of this game is incrementalism and we’ve seen it for years. We’ll barely feel it.

To stay in the temporal for one more paragraph, there is a way I think we come back quickly from the disaster this day will be. I think, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, it is #YE2020. If he can bring in real numbers and run in 2024, he could really shake things up in a positive way. If you listen to his JRE podcast, he has some system changing ideas in addition to being the most entertaining.

Even better than Ye? You guessed it, Jesus. Romans 10:13 says “…for Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

If you find yourself sad, depressed, anxious, worried, angry or frustrated about the election, there is a better way and His name is Jesus. If you are a Christian and you feel this way tonight, look to the hope that you have within and be comforted. If you aren’t known by Jesus, pick up a Bible and read the book of John. Think about your views on death, life, and where we came from and where we are going. Don’t let the distractions of this world steal your life in the now and the later. Your eternity quite literally depends on it.


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