
One of the worst things about this modern world that should be flush with excellent amounts of information is that instead it’s become little more than echoing chambers of confirmation bias.

“Nearly 200 million cases of polio, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, adenovirus, rabies and hepatitis A — and approximately 450,000 deaths from these diseases — were prevented in the US alone between 1963 and 2015 by vaccination, researchers estimate.” -Science Daily

“The World Health Organization says a new polio outbreak in Sudan is linked to an ongoing vaccine-sparked epidemic in Chad — a week after the U.N. health agency declared the African continent free of the wild polio virus.” -Associated Press

The CDC, WHO and Fauci’s flip flops have been well documented. I tend to give them some slack. I don’t have much reason to think they have nefarious motivations, then again maybe I’m naive. Then you have the anti-vaxxers who do what they do.  Who to believe?

This whole ‘rona situation has become so politicized. People are being pushed to one side or another.

Some complain of potential limitation of freedom if documentation of vaccination is not provided. Many of these same people lose their minds if the idea of boarding an airplane or voting without documentation is allowed.

Others who are more on the pro-choice side of the abortion argument, my body my choice, tend to fall on the more restrictive side of the flow of freedom; seemingly very cool with the idea of the government maintaining and wielding control over the bodies of those who fall under their jurisdiction.

We’ve moved into bizarro world.

It’s starting to feel like as long as we are fighting with each other, we self-corral ourselves into our own echo chambers and recharge for the next fight. This seems unhealthy, but again perhaps I maintain my naivety.

I’m very thankful to God for the beautiful gift of science. A VERY long time ago, I had a tonsillectomy and I’m glad my parents trusted medical professionals to care for me at that time. I tend to lean toward trusting scientists and other people who are smarter than I am regarding vaccines as well. I take a flu vaccine every year, and I’ll take the ‘rona vaccine when I have the chance as well.

As for the problems with vaccines of the past, a quick duckduckgo search reveals the following with my highly clinical commentary:

Cutter incident (1955. 65 years ago)- Always the first one. A polio vaccine that had live polio virus instead of whatever type of science stuff it should have had. Causes problems of course.

Simian Virus 40 (Around 1960. 60 years ago)- Usually the second one. Another polio problem and probably a coverup associated with the CDC.

2017 dengue fever vaccination program. This was run by the French. Enough said. They should never be trusted with anything other than food and wine, which by the way they should be trusted completely.

RSV, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (1960’s. 55 years ago)- Obscure problem from the ‘60’s. 2 died.

It’s kind of hard-to-find other issues with vaccines. There are claims of autism and pieces of glass in other releases, but that’s getting a ways out there. Besides, I always look for the flow of money and who is raking it in. Vaccines don’t make manufactures much money at all. Never have. Anyone think ticker MRNA trades anywhere near $155/share this time next year? I for one will be shorting the crap out of this in a couple weeks.

One aspect of all this does interest me. If the hospitalization rates plummet, ICU capacity comes back to normal, patients are all receiving the excellent care they deserve, positivity rate drops along with the R value and restrictions are still maintained at a draconian level keeping abused kids in heartbreaking conditions, people in need of procedures out of the hospital because of fear and destroying family’s ability to provide for themselves; that’s when my views will shift in a direction.

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